There's something about Mary!

When you visit the Watoto Canada web site( There's a link to it on the left side of this page. ) there's a ticker tape that moves across the top of the page with some mind blowing statistics.For example, there are currently an estimated 2.3 million orphans in Uganda. To put that in perspective, the population of the Atlantic provinces was 2,284,779 in 2006.( source: Stats Canada). It's a huge number that's difficult to imagine even with the comparison...until you meet one of the children. That's what the captains of Team Mary did. They met Mary in person. She stayed in their home, along with another young Watoto Choir member named Justine.They shared meals, played games, and laughed together. And for a brief moment they were part of the family, a moment that had a lasting impression. When the call went out for someone to step up and lead Team Mary, Dean was quick to his feet. And he and Stacy, and the other members of Team Mary, have raised $3000 to date, selling bricks for a miniature replica of a Watoto home. Yes, there's something about Mary, and all 1500 children Watoto has rescued so far.

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